Co -operatives in the country,have been commissioned to use the cooperative management system, to facilitate access to development and economic growth using Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
The order was issued yesterday by Acting Deputy Registrar of Cooperatives in the country, Consolata Kiluma, during the opening of the sixth session of senior executives and managers of the savings and credit unions in the country in Arusha.
She said if the digital systems are used properly it will enable the parties to grow and help members get rid of economies including reports of parties not to be spreading out of the system.
However, she said the major parties use the weakest system will enable members' information to appear digital through ICT as the systems will make sure their information is not leaked to people who are not involved in the parties.
"The cooperatives use ICT to get accurate information to increase the number of members from analog to digital, but also increase the inclination of women and youth in the use of financial services through our parties," she said.
She also said earlier through the MUVU System, the number of members reads million 2. 3, In fact the members of the cooperatives are eight million, so the members were included in the system including closing the parties in accordance with the instructions issued by the Registrar of Cooperatives.
The Chairman of the Savings and Credit Association (SCCULT), Ernest Nyambo,issued seven strategic instructions including increasing members,proper use of ICTs, financial growth and sustainability.
He also added to stimulate the implementation of sustainable development goals on the environment and the environment, the control of the vigil and the law enforcement, as well as the growth of the institution, good governance as well as market and public relations as the partnership is business.
"Despite the seven strategic areas there are specific areas provided by the Registrar of Cooperatives which are the construction of an office in Dodoma, so I urge members to contribute to the construction of the built office," he said.
Assistant Registrar,The Management of Financial Cooperatives, CPA Josephat Kisamalala, emphasized the managers and directors to ensure their goals are achieved including discussing the conduct of the cooperatives and ensuring that the spending is considered along with ICT in bringing about the development of the parties in the country.