NCC scans key costing formulas for Tanroads use

By Guardian Reporter , The Guardian
Published at 10:56 AM Mar 25 2025
The manual will set the pace for Tanroads through the whole road project contract management cycle, from pre-contract and post-contract aspects in detail.
Photo: File
The manual will set the pace for Tanroads through the whole road project contract management cycle, from pre-contract and post-contract aspects in detail.

NEW specifications are expected as the National Construction Council (NCC) works on a comprehensive contract administration manual to improve the management of infrastructure construction works.

Dr Matiko Mturi, the council’s CEO, outlined the project in Arusha over the weekend, where NCC experts held a working session with senior officials of the Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads) for mutual consultations over the redesigned manual.

The manual will provide detailed guidelines, best practices and standardized procedures to ensure consistency, efficiency and quality in contract administration for road works, he said, underlining that the new manual will serve as a crucial working tool in ensuring effective implementation of road projects.

It prefigures execution of works in a manner that delivers maximum value for money and meets the highest standards of performance and accountability, he said, asserting that if the format is used well, operational capabilities will enhance, improving the overall quality of road construction and maintenance projects.

A training program for prospective users will be conducted to prepare them on how best to use the manual, he said, projecting that the government will benefit from increased value for money in the projects undertaken as the manual optimizes resource utilization and enhances accountability in managing road works.

Japherson Nnko, the Tanroads director of projects, said that the manual takes several stages to be completed, focused on contract formation; contract management planning as well as effective communication.

Its other aspects are managing risk, cost and quality, apart from provisions on schedules, dispute avoidance and its resolution, along with environmental aspects of project execution, he stated.

Ensuring value for money is the key issue, as through the new manual, Tanroads will be able to streamline standard procedures, practices and processes like site inspection procedures and standard forms.

There are procedural formats set out in distinctive forms concerning site meeting procedures, progress reporting, statutory compliance and claims management practices. They also cover standard tools, payments, delays, cost overruns and poor quality of work in road projects, he elaborated.

The manual will set the pace for Tanroads through the whole road project contract management cycle, from pre-contract and post-contract aspects in detail. “It is conceived to customize and standardize procedures, processes, tools and practices relating to planning, inspection, communication, documentation and reporting during the supervision of road works,” he specified.

The NCC team of experts preparing the manual said on different occasions in Arusha that they have assessed available guidelines for contract administration and identified several areas for improvement.

Tumaini Lemunge, the team leader, said the solutions will be documented comprehensively to address all contract administration challenges in road works. The team members expect that the manual will equip agencies entrusted with road works to deliver quality infrastructure projects meeting the needs of the public and stakeholders.

Among other functions, the NCC is mandated to advise the government on issues pertaining to the development of the construction industry, propose ways for handling various construction issues, customising available manuals along with guidelines for use on the implementation of various construction projects, officials noted.